Shadows Over Ghostville
Let's turn the lights back on...
E-mail stories or comments: Dan Stafford
The failing of small towns across America is a canary in the coal mine. Jobs are disappearing everywhere across the country.
We can no longer sit silent while Washington denudes the U.S. of its farms, ranches, factories, defenses, and wealth.
Make no mistake - this country is being gutted like a corporate takeover. The people are being left with nothing.
Our military is being wasted in Iraq to enrich defense contractors. Oil is just a small part of that picture.
And when there are no factories left to manufacture a defense, when we are importing everything, food, fuel, weapons,
Letting rot the riches and heritage of this great nation, who will stop someone under their economic control from coming to take it?
Nuclear weapons? These people have the codes. They even have most of the news media in their back pockets.
Perhaps they will even have convinced al of us with their TV news it's better to be taken over than to starve,
Since none of us will have work by the time they are done other than "services" to the few wealthy in control.
These people talk God but they speak with a forked tongue while they slip their hands in your wallet pocket.
They are NOT the friend of rural America. They are NOT the friend of megalopolises. They are only friends to
their wallets. All this talk of "doing it for yourself" is horse puckey. That's to divide us. There is a
Reason why our coins are stamped "United We Stand." Because if we are working together and helping each other,
we succeeed, because we are greater than our individual efforts, struggling alone - and dying off, like these
small towns over America. You can take that to the bank, but you might have to work your passage overseas first.
Get registered at:

Let's turn the lights back on...
E-mail stories or comments: Dan Stafford
The failing of small towns across America is a canary in the coal mine. Jobs are disappearing everywhere across the country.
We can no longer sit silent while Washington denudes the U.S. of its farms, ranches, factories, defenses, and wealth.
Make no mistake - this country is being gutted like a corporate takeover. The people are being left with nothing.
Our military is being wasted in Iraq to enrich defense contractors. Oil is just a small part of that picture.
And when there are no factories left to manufacture a defense, when we are importing everything, food, fuel, weapons,
Letting rot the riches and heritage of this great nation, who will stop someone under their economic control from coming to take it?
Nuclear weapons? These people have the codes. They even have most of the news media in their back pockets.
Perhaps they will even have convinced al of us with their TV news it's better to be taken over than to starve,
Since none of us will have work by the time they are done other than "services" to the few wealthy in control.
These people talk God but they speak with a forked tongue while they slip their hands in your wallet pocket.
They are NOT the friend of rural America. They are NOT the friend of megalopolises. They are only friends to
their wallets. All this talk of "doing it for yourself" is horse puckey. That's to divide us. There is a
Reason why our coins are stamped "United We Stand." Because if we are working together and helping each other,
we succeeed, because we are greater than our individual efforts, struggling alone - and dying off, like these
small towns over America. You can take that to the bank, but you might have to work your passage overseas first.
Get registered at:
Monday, March 03, 2008
Obama Adviser Denies Trade Remarks
Nedra Pickler, reporting for The Associated Press, writes, "Barack Obama's senior economic policy adviser said Sunday that Canadian government officials wrote an inaccurate portrayal of his private discussion on the campaign's trade policy in a memo obtained by The Associated Press."
Robert B. Reich | Does Labor Need More Clout?
Robert B. Reich, writing for The San Francisco Chronicle, says: "We're finally reaping the whirlwind of widening inequality. A recession looms because most consumers are at the end of their ropes and can't buy more. Median hourly wages, adjusted for inflation, are no higher than what they were three decades ago. Since then, most of what's been earned in America has gone to the richest 5 percent. But the rich won't buy much more because they already have most of what they want - after all, that's what it means to be rich."
Dean Baker | The Low-Income Homeowner Tax
Dean Baker, writing for Truthout, says: "Forget about trying to get more kids health care insurance by expanding SCHIP or increasing government funding for child care. The new way the politicians plan to help moderate-income families is to have them pay a special 18 percent income tax to live in a home in which they have no equity."
Buffett: US Essentially in Recession
Josh Funk, reporting for The Associated Press, writes, "Billionaire Warren Buffett said Monday 'I would say, by any commonsense definition, we are in a recession.'"