Shadows Over Ghostville
Let's turn the lights back on...
E-mail stories or comments: Dan Stafford
The failing of small towns across America is a canary in the coal mine. Jobs are disappearing everywhere across the country.
We can no longer sit silent while Washington denudes the U.S. of its farms, ranches, factories, defenses, and wealth.
Make no mistake - this country is being gutted like a corporate takeover. The people are being left with nothing.
Our military is being wasted in Iraq to enrich defense contractors. Oil is just a small part of that picture.
And when there are no factories left to manufacture a defense, when we are importing everything, food, fuel, weapons,
Letting rot the riches and heritage of this great nation, who will stop someone under their economic control from coming to take it?
Nuclear weapons? These people have the codes. They even have most of the news media in their back pockets.
Perhaps they will even have convinced al of us with their TV news it's better to be taken over than to starve,
Since none of us will have work by the time they are done other than "services" to the few wealthy in control.
These people talk God but they speak with a forked tongue while they slip their hands in your wallet pocket.
They are NOT the friend of rural America. They are NOT the friend of megalopolises. They are only friends to
their wallets. All this talk of "doing it for yourself" is horse puckey. That's to divide us. There is a
Reason why our coins are stamped "United We Stand." Because if we are working together and helping each other,
we succeeed, because we are greater than our individual efforts, struggling alone - and dying off, like these
small towns over America. You can take that to the bank, but you might have to work your passage overseas first.
Get registered at:

Let's turn the lights back on...
E-mail stories or comments: Dan Stafford
The failing of small towns across America is a canary in the coal mine. Jobs are disappearing everywhere across the country.
We can no longer sit silent while Washington denudes the U.S. of its farms, ranches, factories, defenses, and wealth.
Make no mistake - this country is being gutted like a corporate takeover. The people are being left with nothing.
Our military is being wasted in Iraq to enrich defense contractors. Oil is just a small part of that picture.
And when there are no factories left to manufacture a defense, when we are importing everything, food, fuel, weapons,
Letting rot the riches and heritage of this great nation, who will stop someone under their economic control from coming to take it?
Nuclear weapons? These people have the codes. They even have most of the news media in their back pockets.
Perhaps they will even have convinced al of us with their TV news it's better to be taken over than to starve,
Since none of us will have work by the time they are done other than "services" to the few wealthy in control.
These people talk God but they speak with a forked tongue while they slip their hands in your wallet pocket.
They are NOT the friend of rural America. They are NOT the friend of megalopolises. They are only friends to
their wallets. All this talk of "doing it for yourself" is horse puckey. That's to divide us. There is a
Reason why our coins are stamped "United We Stand." Because if we are working together and helping each other,
we succeeed, because we are greater than our individual efforts, struggling alone - and dying off, like these
small towns over America. You can take that to the bank, but you might have to work your passage overseas first.
Get registered at:
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
River Fest...
I was born in a little town in the Midwest,
In the heart of Winter when it was the harshest cold,
In a small industrial town with a mighty river run through it's heart,
The length of the city it flows,
From far North in Wisconsin down to the big Mississippi,
Seeming to freeze over in this time,
Never believe moving water is more than passingly solid,
Stay far from the dam,
The water is green with a strong scent as such rivers like to be,
People have been drowned in it from time to time,
And such is the nature of rivers...
In the summertime when the leaves are green,
It's hot by the river and there is a long park along it's Eastern bank,
Maybe two miles and a bit more,
The trees are large and towering mostly,
The lagoon where the pedal boats play has a warming house,
They plow it for skating in colder winters,
But in the joyous Summer the leaves and water are green,
And everyone from here goes out that weekend,
In boats packed like a school,
In flowing human rivers of feet,
Strolling up and down the sidewalk there are carnival rides,
Bright colored lights and popcorn and hot dogs and cotton candy,
Children darting forever around the trees and laughing on the rides,
And all along the park stages and music -
Country bands - blues bands - rock bands - polka bands,
Time crosses over in a small town and the river flows seemingly slow,
Cheap Trick is on the big stage again tonight,
Way down by Portland Ave - local boys from twenty minutes away,
This river runs through their town too,
For all of us it's banks are stuck in our definition of home.
In child days I walked hand-holding along these banks and sidewalks,
Seeing all the rides and dreaming of being frightened out of my wits,
Sugar cookie in the hand not in Noni's and it was Summer,
Bright lights and lightning bugs were filling my eyes,
The cotton candy puffs were like giant balls of wished-for Heaven,
And I learned to stay a good bit back from the river,
Because I might fall in and drown,
And there would be pasta with meatballs on the table tonight,
When the teenagers and twentylings owned this place,
These lights by the river and the endless flowing sounds.
In first love days I walked hand-holding along these banks,
She had bright blue eyes the color of pale ice like when I was born,
Raven hair and part Native American only neither of us used those words for it,
I almost missed the carnival lights by the river completely,
Every ten minutes we ran into friends somewhere in the flow down the sidewalk,
All going to see Cheap Trick play for the first time here,
River fest was growing and my dreams were growing,
Dangerously I swam the currents,
Never knowing her ice blue eyes were the river,
I reveled in my strength swimming,
In joy in that season before the ice came,
I had flashbacks of cotton candy and lights,
She had another man's ring and children later that Winter,
And I swam in the green scented waters freezing and thawing for ten years,
Drifting with whatever flotsam would keep me breathing,
While Summer became half over.
In what I thought were growing up days I walked hands-free along these banks,
Seeing children care-free and lovers and old friends missed since last year,
Or was it the Riverfest five years ago,
Or maybe two but they were here again,
Where the carnival rides played their music and I wondered,
Wishing I were hand-holding here along these banks,
Standing alone as the rock and roll washed over me,
Drinking and walking because I could and it's what we did,
Dancing now and then and pretty eyes reflected the carnival ride lights,
Passing me by like the green water of the river twenty feet away,
But I cared less about cotton candy,
And the hot dogs with chili were all right,
Don't hold the blues on the halfway stage,
Twentyling swimming the riverfest,
Still caught in last year's ice.
In one short summer I walked hand-holding along these banks,
Seeing an occasional old friend and saying hello,
How many years has it been now,
Proud and beaming like the lights on the joyrides,
Awash in the rock and roll she had auburn hair and cinnamon apple eyes,
And I was swimming in the water as I walked,
Understanding it could drag you down dogged my heels,
Worrying like a child wanting to be on the rides,
Hoping the cotton candy was going to be sweet,
Unconscious and vividly awake at the same time,
Cheap Trick was playing the big stage,
And I ate the hot dogs and chili gratefully,
Glad to give whatever I had and in love like a doormat,
Begging for even the touch of cold feet,
I learned after that Summer was gone like the carnival lights,
That no one can respect someone swimming in a river of obsession,
No matter how beautiful the pretty lights and cotton candy,
Too sweet is too sweet is the wisdom,
Yet the ride on the other side of the sidewalk was it was a great summer,
That I'll love likely all my life,
And the green water still flows along and the dregs of that summer,
Long flowed down the Mississippi and out to sea,
Like an old tramp steamer you miss her and all the dancing but she can't keep you,
The stage is empty and they turned out the rock and roll lights.
In another time I walked hand-holding down these banks,
Not seeing a single soul I knew,
Styx was warming up for Cheap Trick on the big stage,
It was hot in the Summer night,
Children were darting and crowds were flowing up and down,
Circling the sidewalk circle under the stars and big trees,
Red and green and white boat lights and the occasional firefly,
Glow stick necklaces and the music blaring from the rides,
And I felt solid ground beneath my feet,
A warm hand in mine as the bands played,
Noni and Nono were on the other side of town,
Years in the ground but right here along this river of green water,
Mom was fading to ashes but I didn't know it yet,
Honey was unimpressed with this little town.
But I was born on this river and the music was good,
There was real gold on my finger and I was far from drowning,
The bratwurst and coke were tasting great,
Funny thing it still feels like home,
I've left and come back so many times,
I could feel these banks under my feet and never mistake it,
Maybe next summer I won't be on the pager,
The carnival will set up and the moon will shine on the river,
The bands will play all up and down the heart of the city,
After all this is Rock River we're speaking of,
And I will walk the banks searching for long-forgotten faces,
Yes my brother's out there on his boat,
Got two little boys just like him now,
I'm not sure if Dad or Sis came down this year,
Yeah they're still around here,
No my other Sis is up in Madison,
My other brother's living in the area still,
Step brother's out in Michigan and got married,
How's your mother and your brother,
Yeah Beloit doesn't change that much does it,
By the way how long has it been,
Since I last saw you at Riverfest, here along the Rock?
I was born in a little town in the Midwest,
In the heart of Winter when it was the harshest cold,
In a small industrial town with a mighty river run through it's heart,
The length of the city it flows,
From far North in Wisconsin down to the big Mississippi,
Seeming to freeze over in this time,
Never believe moving water is more than passingly solid,
Stay far from the dam,
The water is green with a strong scent as such rivers like to be,
People have been drowned in it from time to time,
And such is the nature of rivers...
By: Daniel A. Stafford
(C) 10/26/2004
Author's Comments:
I just woke up a few minutes ago, I'd been dreaming of old friends and back home.
Words are the mind's bridge - it's connection to all the universe.
Love is the heart's bridge - it's connection to all other souls.
Loving words can work miracles.
All of my currently available poetry titles are for sale at: